Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ying Yang- The concept

Ying and the Yang- its all about balance. I grew up in a multi-racial house hold (white mom,black dad) and my parents differed not only in race, but background and parenting styles. What didn't differ was their love of our family (me along with 3 siblings) and of course the love of food. The latter love made me a pretty over weight kid =/. When i got a little older (high school), I realized that you can love food and be healthy at the same time. While I was finding the balance between being healthy and eating good(not well, be GOOD as my dad would say) I took the plunge into vegetarianism, something i wanted to so since I realized chicken...was a bird(i was a silly little kid)! This meant for interesting posturing at family dine-outs and holiday get -togethers. Here's where it hit me, " one shouldn't have to compromise a great time with friends and family, just because some of the group are picky eaters". Some people want fatty food, some want healthy, but they always want tasty food. Ying-Yang Cafe is about recipes that can be done in its most indulgent form (meat,extra fatty goodness) and its healthy form (vegetarian, but equally delicious). I hope you enjoy !

- Curt

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